
webhook Technology

A Secure & Reliable Platform built for scalability

EdaptIT™ is built on the IBM iSeries platform which to date has no known viruses offering a more secure, scalable, robust, reliable platform.

The overall design of EdaptIT™ was planned out at its inception to accommodate an ever changing market and multiple business models.

  • This server platform is second only to Mainframe computers in processing and storage capacity
  • The modular design allows for shorter development cycles when adding new features
  • Object oriented programming creating a more stable and robust solution
  • EdaptIT™ customers can not out grow our system
  • EdaptIT™ will be adding new modules, market channels, and features on a regular basis keeping it a step ahead of the competition

IBM i integrates a trusted combination of relational database, security, Web services, networking and storage management capabilities.

It provides a broad and highly stable database and middleware foundation for efficiently deploying business processing applications, with support for over 5,000 solutions from over 2,500 ISVs. i solutions are offered through an extensive, highly skilled worldwide network of IBM Business Partners that is backed by IBM’s trusted services and support infrastructure.

IBM develops, fully tests and preloads the core middleware components of i together upfront, whereas on other platforms, operating system, database and middleware integration is done in the data center. The preintegration and testing of i is a key factor in enabling companies to deploy applications faster and maintain them with fewer staff. Virtualization and workload management are also built into i to enable you to run multiple applications and components together on the same system, driving up system utilization and delivering a better return on IT investments.

Built-in tools

Over the last two decades the IBM i platform has built its reputation as a secure system. For companies that rely on IBM i for operations, it may come as a surprise that most of what is needed to comply technologically is already sitting in their computer rooms. The IBM i operating system comes equipped with tools for securing, monitoring, and logging built right in.

Built-in security

IBM i provides excellent object level security features to control access to resources–who can read a particular file, for example. These security features are built into every IBM i system, whether you use them or not.

IBM i can provide field-level security as well. You may need tools to supplement the built-in IBM i security, such as restricting access during certain time periods, or allowing users to read a particular file but not to download it. Take the time to learn what you have, and how it can be used for your organization.

Built-in logging

Also provided with IBM i are excellent logging facilities to track the activity occurring on the system–The Security Audit journal, the System History Log, Message Queues, and Journals, just to name a few. Many activities are automatically logged, such as when particular users sign on and off, and you can enable additional logging for many other types of activities as well. These logs provide a detailed accountability to what is occurring on the IBM i system. These logs can be monitored proactively to identify potential problems, or post-mortem to trace a particular problem.

Built-in monitoring

Lastly, in the area of monitoring, the IBM i system provides good tools for keeping tabs on the health and status of your system–including security related events. IBM i Navigator can monitor messages and logs for specific events and notify an administrator when a particular condition occurs. Depending on your needs, you may want to supplement the IBM i monitoring tools to provide additional features, such as problem escalation, or scheduling of specific types of alerts to different groups of people.